Monday, September 26, 2011

Our Biggest Adventure in KiwiLand!

(This photo was taken at about 11 weeks)

In case you haven't already heard, we're expecting an addition to the Gilbert clan in April 2012, making me almost 13 weeks now! We are very excited as we begin this new adventure, but there is so much to learn.

In New Zealand, your primary maternity provider is typically a midwife if you have an uncomplicated pregnancy. You can pay for an obstetrician if you choose, but care provided by a midwife is free. If at any point in the pregnancy the midwife notices something of concern, she refers the mom to a specialist (at no cost). I was a bit hesitant at first about using a midwife when I'm used to the idea of medical doctors. When we first found out, I asked a friend who she had as a midwife, and she told me the name of a woman who also delivered several babies of 2 other women in the church. When I looked on the list of midwives I had, it said she only takes return clients. So I called her, said I know these 3 ladies who say she's the best, it's my first pregnancy, and will you please make an exception?? And she did! I have met with her twice and really like her; she has over 30 years of experience so I feel comfortable with that.

I have unfortunately experienced the lovely side effect of morning sickness that usually reappears late afternoon. It was quite unpleasant for several weeks, and I dreaded being one of the unlucky ones for whom it lasts 9 months! However, I am happy to say it is definitely diminishing in frequency and intensity, so I am hoping to enjoy this next phase a bit more. I have also been surprised at how much more rest I need! I don't often nap or lie down during the day, but I find it to be a necessity most days now. In a way, I think it's God's way of saying "You'll be busy enough in several months...take this rest now and enjoy it!" Kris has been very supportive by helping pick up the extra work that I normally do, but he feels so bad that he can't do anything to make me feel better.

We have had two scans now, one to check how far along I was and to determine my due date, and a screening one at about 12 weeks. The picture from the first one was labelled "Baby", but it hardly looked like more than a spiky little bean. But just 4 weeks later it was clear to see a small, kicking little boy or girl on the screen! What an amazing experience that really helped us realize the miracle of what is happening! Our next scan will be at 20 weeks, the point when we could find out the sex of the baby if we want to. We are undecided on this, but I think we will probably just wait and be surprised!

We are blessed to have such wonderful, supportive people around us, both here and back home, people who will help us in many ways as we embark on this exciting new journey of parenthood!